ABMS Research and Education Foundation

Supporting Education and Research to Improve Medical Specialty Certification

Research is the key to solving some of the most pressing issues in health care and certification. Since 1971, the American Board of Medical Specialties Research and Education Foundation (ABMS REF) has supported initiatives that advance the ABMS mission to improve health care through high standards for physician board certification.

The ABMS REF is committed to coordinating education and research related to assessment, certification, and the continuing certification processes of the ABMS Member Boards.

ABMS REF Grant Program

Through its grant program, the ABMS REF funds original, independent research to gather insights and inform improvements in the structures, processes, and outcomes of medical specialty certification.

Martin V. Pusic, MD, PhD, Director, ABMS Research and Education Foundation discusses the importance of creating a culture of research in the certification community.

A key objective of the grant program is to facilitate a community of research practice around the mechanism of certification. This will be achieved through a judicious number of grantee interactions with each other, with Member Boards, and with the ABMS Visiting Scholars Program, which supports the research of early-career physicians and research professionals and facilitates leadership development through engagement with ABMS and the broader certification community.

Recent News

ABMS REF Grant Winners Banner 2024

Meet the recipients of the 2024-2026 grant cycle and read about their research projects.

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Read how the ABMS REF is focused on evolving research to promote excellence in certification.