Questions or Comments

ABMS welcomes your inquiry and makes every effort to answer all inquiries in a timely manner. Let us know how we can help.

Before you use the form below:

  1. If you are a patient, family, or friend and want to know if a doctor is board certified by an ABMS Member Board, go to the free Certifications Matters website.
  2. If you are a professional credentialer and need primary source verification of a physician or specialist’s board certification status, please see the ABMS Solutions website.
  3. If you are a diplomate of an ABMS Member Board and need records, requirements, or procedures, please contact your board directly .
  4. To file a complaint against a physician, contact your state medical board through the Federation of State Medical Boards. For your privacy and protection, please do <strong>not</strong> disclose any personal health information or medical history.
  5. ABMS does not have doctors on staff to answer medical questions or give second opinions, and ABMS cannot provide physician recommendations or referrals.